Budapest – Autonómia


Our programme aims to strengthen local youth communities and encourage cooperation between Roma and non-Roma young people. The project will run inclusive development programmes in six cities in Hungary and Romania, involving Roma and non-Roma young people aged 14-20 living in segregated settlements and other parts of the municipalities. The young people will produce creative […]

The project aims to map the creation and spread of disinformation, fake news and manipulative political messages in segregated Roma communities in four EU countries to strengthen resistance to disinformation and political manipulation of Roma communities. It also aims to carry out empowerment activities and to provide recommendations for professionals and activists on effective communication […]

The aim of the programme is to create cohesive and active civil society communities, whose members work together to form new partnerships, develop as organisations, expand their methodological knowledge, while also implementing concrete campaigns. The call for proposals is open to projects that will help ensure that everyone in Hungary can enjoy their rights, participate […]

Roma youth bring change

2022 June 01 —

Questions concerning vulnerable group members, or challenges affecting the whole society are not the most entertaining and engaging topics for the young people. Especially, if the related knowledge, values and aspects are presented from a teacher role in conventional education, focusing only on facts and ethical considerations. However, if we try to make an impact […]


2018 November 01 — 2023 June 30

A significant proportion of young people across Europe fall out of secondary education, acquire non-marketable professions, or face difficulties in finding adequate employment matching their education even after successfully completing a secondary school.  Often, educational institutions and potential employers lack means to contribute effectively to the educational and labour-market success of these young people. The […]


2019 October 01 — 2022 April 30

Autonomia takes part in an international project focusing on housing problems of the Roma population in five EU countries. “Roma: Housing, Opportunities, Mobilisation and Empowerment” Grant Agreement number: 849199 PROJECT SUMMARY   Objectives – reducing discrimination affecting Roma people, with a particular focus on access to housing, by a better understanding of the issues and […]

Roma integration remains one of the most burning issues across Central and Eastern Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey. According to the Fundamental Rights Agency, Roma are the most discriminated and excluded ethnic minority with, 80% of Roma live at risk of poverty. Recent hate speech and human rights violations against Roma for example in Ukraine, […]

Roma Civil Monitoring

2017 October 01 — 2020 February 01

The main goal of the project is to help to strengthen the monitoring mechanisms of the implementation of the national Roma integration strategies through systematic civic monitoring. The added value of civic monitoring is provided by its independent status and the channeling of the field experiences gained by the participating NGOs in their work with […]


2017 January 01 — 2019 October 01

The project is a new approach for Roma inclusion through promoting employment on the primary labour market, in the private sector. The main idea of the project is to facilitate access of secondary and university level educated Roma to quality, white-collar jobs at private companies, which are usually non-accessible for most of Roma. The concept […]

On the leave

2016 February 01 — 2020 March 31

The aim of the project is to eliminate the physical and mental segregation of the Roma community of Szúcs-Bagoly-lyuk settlement. The former miner settlement (appr. 300 habitants, 40 houses) located in the Northern part of Hungary is a typical Roma ghetto with its ‘typical’ social-economic problems. The habitants are excluded not only from the Hungarian […]

Social Detective Games

2018 March 01 — 2019 October 31

In the frame of the ‘Gamification 4 Inclusion and Active Citizenship’ project (2017-3-HU01-KA205-046883) we have developed the methodology of social detective games in the last years in professional cooperation with the Detectivity. In the creation of the methodology and its international dissemination our international partners: Institouto Erevnon PROMITHEAS from Cyprus, Infinite Opportunities Association from Bulgaria […]

Integrom program

2014 January 01 — 2016 December 31

The aim of the program is to help educated young Roma to find employment in the private sector, at major companies, primarily in administrative positions. The initiative is born from a cooperation of the Boston Consulting Group and Autonomia Foundation. Our partners are various large firms open to hire more Roma employees. We help the […]

The second NGO Fund of the EEA/Norway Grants

2013 January 01 — 2017 April 30

The overall objective of the Hungarian NGO Fund is “strengthened civil society development and enhanced contribution to social justice, democracy and sustainable development” (in Hungary). Based on the donors’ decision, throughout the Fund special attention is given to human rights of minorities (including minorities on grounds of ethnic origin, religious affiliation, language use and sexual […]

Autonomia 25

2015 December 02 — 2015 November 05

Our foundation was created at almost the same time as the End of Communism in Hungary. Autonomia was one of the first independent foundation, which initiated Roma and NGO development programs. Although it is almost impossible to show everything about the last 25 years of Autonomia, but we wanted to give a little insight about […]

Supplementary Fund

2012 May 01 — 2015 December 31

The Autonomia Foundation and the Open Society Institute 2012 1 st of May started the Supplementary Fund (SF) program. The SF is mainly offered for the project owner participating or willing to take part in the PGF or the Mentoring project of Autonomia Foundation.   The aim of the program is to offer solutions for […]

An aid program has began in 2010 in Hungary in order to promote the integration of people living in deep poverty and to reduce the deepening,  reproduction and territorial spread of deep poverty. The above objectives are planned to be achieved by the development of local community relations, by the adaptation of certain public services […]

Planning program

2011 November 30 — 2013 November 30

    A program keretében az Autonómia Alapítvány különböző, a roma integráció szempontjából fontos szakterületeken készít szakmapolitikai ajánlásokat. A javaslatok elkészítését, szükséges esetben, kutatások, adatgyűjtések előzik meg. Az elkészült anyagokat eljuttatjuk szakpolitikusokhoz illetve elérhetővé tesszük az alapítvány honlapján is. A program részét képezik olyan műhelymunkák, ahol az elkészült anyagokat bemutatjuk, vitára bocsátjuk, majd a kapott […]

Different People One Europe!

2008 December 31 — 2010 June 30

From January 2009 to July 2010, partners of the Pakiv European Network from Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany and Hungary developed and carried out the campaign, Different People. One Europe! The overall aim of the project was to promote intercultural un­derstanding and respect for diversity, especially with regards to Roma. The campaign employed a bot­tom-up approach, enabling […]

Summary of the project Individual saving programme for low-income non-bankable people – amongst them Roma and young grown-ups of state care institutions. The goal of the savings is to improve the housing situation of the clients. The savings of the clients will be matched with a grant (based on IDA methodology). Clients are also eligible […]

NGO Fund of the EEA/Norway Grants

2007 December 31 — 2011 January 31

Az Autonómia Alapítvány, az Ökotárs Alapítvánnyal, a Demokratikus Jogok Fejlesztéséért Alapítvánnyal és a Kárpátok Alapítvány-Magyarországgal együttműködve kezelte az EGT/Norvég Finanszírozási Mechanizmus Civil Támogatási Alapját, mely magyarországi civil szervezeteket támogatott az alábbi négy témakörben: • Környezetvédelem és fenntartható fejlődés • Civil szervezetek kapacitásfejlesztése • Szociális kohézió, gyermek- és egészségvédelem • Kulturális örökség védelme. 2008 és 2010 […]