Youth 4 Change – Autonómia

Youth 4 Change

Our programme aims to strengthen local youth communities and encourage cooperation between Roma and non-Roma young people. The project will run inclusive development programmes in six cities in Hungary and Romania, involving Roma and non-Roma young people aged 14-20 living in segregated settlements and other parts of the municipalities. The young people will produce creative artistic content, which will be filmed in an information and awareness-raising campaign and promoted in the media with the help of influencers.

The methods used and the results are continuously reported and communicated to local, national and international decision-makers and the wider public. We produce methodological guidelines for use in educational institutions on how to shape interethnic attitudes among young people and how to use creative artistic tools to combat hate speech and discrimination. In addition to online dissemination, these materials and methods will also be disseminated through training sessions for teachers and youth workers.

The project will run between March 2023 and March 2025 in Budapest, Gyöngyös and Miskolc, Hungary.

The video and the music were produced by young people from Miskolc participating in the Youth 4 Change project.

The video and the music were produced by young people from Miskolc participating in the Youth 4 Change project.

The reports were made at the film premiere and exhibition opening of the Budapest mentees.

For almost half a year, the youth of the Polytechnic of Economics and the Deák Ferenc College worked on a project dealing with social problems such as gender differences, discrimination and education. In the summer of 2024, they not only exhibited their works in the Városmajori Park, but also invited everyone who came to the event at the legal wall there to a community booing.

The film shows the processes and mentees of the “Youth 4 Change” project in Budapest.

Mentees from Gyöngyös wrote texts, made pictures and created audio material on topics important to them. Their work has also resulted in a book and an exhibition. They and the trainers who worked with them talk about what this unusual adventure meant to them. The book is available here: You can listen to the audio files here:

The group from Gyöngyös is creating texts and stories.


Musical instrument building in Miskolc


Group session in Budapest



The project is funded by the European Union’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme.

Youth For Change

CERV-2022-EQUAL – 101084758