The overall objective of the Hungarian NGO Fund is “strengthened civil society development and enhanced contribution to social justice, democracy and sustainable development” (in Hungary). Based on the donors’ decision, throughout the Fund special attention is given to human rights of minorities (including minorities on grounds of ethnic origin, religious affiliation, language use and sexual […]
The successful closing of the Swiss-Hungarian NGO Block Grant and Scholarship Fund On Monday, 12 October 2015 the three-year programme of the Swiss-Hungarian NGO Block Grant and Scholarship Fund has been successfully completed with a closing conference held in Miskolc. There have been 111 projects (102 NGO grants and 9 scholarship schemes) implemented with […]
The Autonomia Foundation and the Open Society Institute 2012 1 st of May started the Supplementary Fund (SF) program. The SF is mainly offered for the project owner participating or willing to take part in the PGF or the Mentoring project of Autonomia Foundation. The aim of the program is to offer solutions for […]
2011 December 31 — 2013 October 31
A project céljai • Négy Európai Uniós tagországban olyan társadalmi innovációk kifejlesztése, kipróbálása és értékelése, melyek fő célja a társadalmi-, szociális kirekesztettség mérséklése. Olyan programelemek kidolgozása melyek a társadalmi kirekesztettség mérséklését a kis összegű megtakarítások népszerűsítése illetve gyakorlatban való alkalmazása útján valósítják meg illetve olyan helyi projektek megvalósítása, mely során a mélyszegénységben élők, vagy alacsony […]
Summary of the project Individual saving programme for low-income non-bankable people – amongst them Roma and young grown-ups of state care institutions. The goal of the savings is to improve the housing situation of the clients. The savings of the clients will be matched with a grant (based on IDA methodology). Clients are also eligible […]