Sensitizing corporates attitude towards equal opportunity – Autonómia

Sensitizing corporates attitude towards equal opportunity

2008-11-30 -
Development Training

Summary of the project:

The aim of the project is to create corporate social responsibility strategies that reflect the social micro-environment of the company and relate to social integration. CSR strategy planning is facilitated to allow active participation of the employees and to create strategies that go beyond donations.

Working with three big companies, with the intense involvement of their employees creating their strategy and action plans for equal opportunities and CSR.

Activities are: survey with anonym questionnaires, focus groups, study tours to NGOs (including Roma) that are active in the preferred fields and organising creative workshops to design the strategies.


Results or expected results:

To provide a bottom up approach for the companies instead of their current top down practice in CSR planning. Strategy and action plans for equal opportunities and CSR are created with high level of involvement of employees.




András Nun
program officer
Nagy Mária
financial assistant


  • Nevelők Háza Egyesület


  • Szociális és Munkaügyi Minisztérium
  • Európai Unió Átmeneti Támogatás programja


Budget (Euro)€ 84131
Budget - own (Euro)€ 17311