Egyéb képzések és tréningek, Egyéb kapcsolódó programok – Autonómia

Egyéb képzések és tréningek, Egyéb kapcsolódó programok



The program enabled the organizations to develop in various aspects. On the one hand, in the project management training held by CO-OD Co. the organizations could learn the basics of project planning and management and the opportunities to use their internal resources.

Organizations engaged in community farming and business activities attended enterprise development courses organized by the SEED Small Enterprise Development Foundation. The training was also open to local people with business ambitions.

Both the Roma organizations and the labour market counsellors permanently monitored the currently available financing schems. The colleagues of Autonomía contributed to the elaboration of proposals with continuous project planning and proposal writing training courses.


Three of the Roma organizations participating in the project (Lungo Drom – Mera, Phralipe – Korlat, Lungo Drom – Szalaszend) could start new programs as a result of the survey carried out as part of the EQUAL program. (The survey included an energy-audit, which examined the energy use and deficiencies of Roma households.) With the help of a grant from Soros Foundation, Lungo Drom installs glass windows in the Roma houses of the neighbouring villages, while the organization in Szalaszend builds energy-efficient fireplaces. (As a matter of fact, one of the most regrettable result of the survey was that nearly 90% of the Roma households "heat the streets", there is no glass in the windows and doors, only a foil, or there are no windows at all, the heating system was already out of date when it was installed, etc.). The Phralipe Member Organization of Korlat could purchase a logging machine with the support of UNDP, with which they can process the wood left over from forestry works – and formerly burnt in the forest – to a level that it is available for use by families in need of firewood. (It is all accomplished with the assistance of the forestry organizations and local governments).