Roma youth bring change – Autonómia

Roma youth bring change

2022-06-01 -

Questions concerning vulnerable group members, or challenges affecting the whole society are not the most entertaining and engaging topics for the young people. Especially, if the related knowledge, values and aspects are presented from a teacher role in conventional education, focusing only on facts and ethical considerations. However, if we try to make an impact within the frameworks of a game, actively involving the participants and facilitating the personal encounter with vulnerable group members, we could be way more effective.

In this initiation, Autonomia Foundation and Detectivity published their methodology about awareness-raising detectivity games and shared it with the North-Macedonian RROMA organization, while they shared their methodology about community campaigns with us. With the aid of the methodologies an international training hold, in which 8-8 young adults chosen by the two partners participated. The five days long training served to deliver the methods of detectivity games and community campaigns, and to share knowledge about facilitating non-formal educating events and tools of role-playing.

In both countries an awareness-raising detectivity and community campaign – focusing on a social topic chosen by the local group of young people – was planned and implemented by the young people for their peers. Students and young adults participated in the games and occasions. Besides the occasions supervening within the framework of the campaign, videos were also produced. The case studies about these programs are spread at an international event organized by ERGO Network and – together with the methodologies – in online available materials.

By the implementation of the games and community campaign events over 350 young people and professionals and over 20.000 people were reached by online communication and dissemination of our activities and outputs.

By their participation the young participants developed their skills, acquired knowledge, work experience and connections. The games and campaigns have raised the student participants’ awareness of focused social topics(bullying in Hungary and antigypsyism in North-Macedonia), and their attitudes and behavior will change.

The intellectual outputs of the project you can find below:

AUTONOMIA Detectivity Methodology

AUTONOMIA Detectivity Módszertan

Methodology Community Campaign & Advocacy

Autonómia esettanulmány



MK RROMA Methodology Community Campaign & Advocacy


RROMA Methodology_Hungarian

МК AUTONOMIA Detectivity Methodology